We are now accepting applications for our 3 upcoming Mourning Market shows. The first show is October 17th at club Motor in Seattle. The show will be from 12-5. The next show will be at Hell's Kitchen in Tacoma on November 14th from 12-5, and the last show of the year will be December 12th at club Motor from 12-5. All shows are $40 if you have a city of Seattle business license and $45 if you do not.
For the October show at Motor we will once again have the body bags. If you want to do that show, we encourage you to donate items to the goodie bags. It's a great way to advertise and everyone loves to get spooky free goodies.
As for the Show at Hell's Kitchen, the venue is much smaller than Motor, and it can only hold approx 25 vendors. Please keep that in mind.
When you apply, please specify what show you want to be part of. If you want to do more than 1 show, please fill out separate applications for each show and specify for each. You can get the applications on our website mourningmarket.com
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
Darkest Regards,
Mourning Market Widows